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Love, Skip, Jump (virtual) book club chat!

Admittedly, this was supposed to have been posted Friday. But I was traveling and had the hardest time with a wireless connection, so....as much as I try to plan things, sometimes they go awry.

So...here we are, Monday June 1st!!

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Love, Skip, Jump was amazing. And when I say that, I actually mean A-MAZING!!

I had a hard time reading it though, the first several chapters in particular, because instead of being curled up in a chair, I wanted to be out somewhere doing something. Making a difference, loving on someone.

Love Skip Jump book

By the last page, I was ready to toss it aside and truly get to work living outside myself, listening to what Christ wanted me to do next. What jump He wanted me to make.

The story, if you've not heard of it, is about a wealthy woman named Shaelene Bryan who lives in LA, working in Hollywood. According to her pastor, Francis Chan, she was "loud, materialist, self-centered..." and yet the decision to go meet the African children her family was sponsoring, changed her life.

While in Uganda, she realized how great the need was to do something. And how simple some of those things were...someone just needed to say YES and actually do them!

Own show

(click here to hear Shelene tell her story of how it began)

...some of the most amazing things God wants to do in our lives as a Christian involve giving Him permission to take us on uncomfortable journeys. My journey was a literal journey to Africa-yours might be different. My desire is for you to join me on a yes adventure that will make you uncomfortable. (p 11)

I love this. So often we get comfortable in our lives that we forget to really need Christ. To stick our necks out and actually do something that makes us uncomfortable. There is so much to learn from it personally, and so much that God can do through us when we allow ourselves to be put in this position! I actually blogged about this concept awhile back (click here for the blogpost: a different look at being content).

Love Skip Jump book

In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and they with me (emphasis added). It is significant that Jesus prefaces that promise with "if anyone hears my voice..." This verse makes it clear that people are missing His voice all the time. (p 24-25)

Wow. Ohmygosh Lord, that we don't miss our callings and Your promptings!!!

Oh what a tragedy this is!


(click here for a fun Skip1 blog post on how Hollywood is joining in)

The real question is, are you hearing His call? Are you listening? Have you learned to listen so you can hear Him in the midst of rock-smashing winds, earthquakes, fires, final exams,...instagrams, television...text messages, mortgage payments...Or do you have to get uncomfortable and distration-free to learn to listen to the voice of God? I did. Elijah did. (p 25)

I swear, I need to meet this Shelene woman. I wrote about giving God your plans + embracing silence (click here. there's also a printable Bible study). It's hard to hear our Father's promptings and callings when we're so busy and distracted.

Love Skip Jump book

Shelene's stories are so fun. The incredible ways the Lord has used her (just because she said yes!) just makes me smile. He has woven so many people into it and such amazing things have happened and been built because of it.

I challenge you to read this book. Your heart will beat out of your chest as you see the glorious things God can do because of an ordinary person jumping right in!

(head over to skip1.org to learn more about Shelene + her organization)

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Have you read it? What did you think?

What were your favorite parts?!

take joy-signature-new-pink