a little time off & Christmas in Breckenridge

Merry Christmas, a few days belated!

Thanks for your understanding as I took this week off from blogging to spend some unplugged time with the family!

My parents flew in from San Antonio and we spent some time in Breckenridge at a sweet friends home who was out of town herself. What a blessing generous friends are, right?!

Breck 1

The snow went up to our knees in spots & even up to Ben's hips as he shoveled the deck.


Hours were spent out here making igloos and having snowball fights.

Breck 3

Our afternoon was spent on Main Street, taking in all the sights, smells and warm drinks of Christmas Eve.

Breck 2

Christmas Eve night, the kids always open two gifts: pajamas and something to do for the evening. This year it was a game and a puzzle...we ended up doing neither and went to bed early! Everyone was so exhausted.

Breck 4

Christmas morning, my mom and I made eggs benedict and poured the tastiest mimosas ever.

Breck 5

The kids just love spending time with their grandparents, whether it's my parent's or Ben's.

I know my dad ate up every moment.

Breck 6

 After Elsabet took a nap, we headed to Copper Mountain to show my folks where we ski...and where we drink our favorite (reeeeally chocolatey) hot cocoa.


 Our time in Breck was short and our drive home was long.

The snow was thick and my knuckles were white as we made our way back down the mountain with half the family in my big car, Ben's taillights looking fuzzy from the big flakes in front of me.

The next morning we took my folks to the airport and started taking it all down. Goodbye Christmas. We sure had fun!

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

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