my book...and a big prayer request!
So...we're all friends here, right?
Whether we're real, face-to-face buddies who grab a cup of coffee or glass of wine together...or simply virtual friends online, it doesn't matter. We're friends. And I still want to be real and vulnerable and share with you.
![prayer request](
A few weeks ago, I sent my proposal to the VP of Acquisition over at Thomas Nelson and was thrilled to have heard back from him quickly. Sadly though, his email was letting me know that although he loves both my proposal and blog (!!!), it was his last day at Thomas Nelson and was forwarding it on to a colleague.
(Sigh. Shoot. Ok God, You know what you're doing. I'm still trusting.)
Fast forward a few weeks this morning. I woke early, as I do every morning. I sat in my favorite reading chair, cupping my hot latte in my hands as I poured my heart out to God. Having a serious heart-to-heart with Him, I pleaded that He show me I'm going in the right direction. I asked Him to give me clarity that He's working behind the scenes.
Because truly, I'm doing this because He asked me to. This is His project, so I want to make sure I'm moving toward whatever it is He wants me to do with it.
The kids woke, I made breakfast, and we scurried out to the orthodontist. And on to swimming lessons.
The Editor in Chief (of Nonfiction) asked if she had my permission to bring my proposal before the Editorial Board next week.
Um....let me think about that. YES. Yes you can. (commence a bunch of jumping up and down)
![pink arrow](
As I have learned through this crazy process of publishing, most publishing houses only work with someone who is represented by a literary agent. But I found a little "in" over at Thomas Nelson and with shaky hands, I emailed them my 54 page proposal (plus three sample chapters). From what I understand, most of the time the author never hears back. They receive so many proposals and manuscripts every day, I don't think publishing houses tend to even send a "thanks but no thanks" email back to the writer.
But if...IF...they think there's potential, the next phase is meeting before the Editorial Board (or the Ed Board, they call it), which is where we are now!
The Ed Board meets together after having all read the proposal to discuss the size of the author's platform, the extent at which the author can promote the book, how fresh the idea is, things of that sort.
The Marketing Board then assembles a mock-up marketing plan to bring to the Pub Board (Publication Board}. That meeting is next, should my Ed Board meeting be successful.
In the Pub Board, the editorial staff advocate for the proposal and pitch it to the sales people (who work with Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Costco, Lifeway, etc). As they all look over the proposal, forecasting is discussed, along with numbers which will empower the business decision
(and whether or not they're willing to take a chance on me).
![pink arrow](
So. Likely way more info than you needed about the process, but I'm really REALLY excited to have gotten this far.
Please pray if you would, that my Ed Board meeting goes well and everything continues forward. God is in control of it all and I know I need not stress...but my heart still beats fast and my palms still sweat.
![thank you](
Want to see some sneak peeks of this book I'm talking about?
I'll keep you updated! .