Can You Be More Than One Thing?

I’m tired of women being put inside a box. Are you a mom? I betcha you’re more than “just a mom”. Are you a teacher? A pastor? A salesperson? A yoga instructor? A barista? I bet that’s not ALL you are, either.

We need to start celebrating the multi-faceted women that we are. We can be many things, like many things, and wear many hats.

Want to know what I mean?? Here are some of mine:

“Hold on, hold on,” I can hear you say. “You can’t eat clean and love chocolate cake. And you wear stilettos AND are outdoorsy? I don’t think that’s a thing…You can’t do both.

Stop. Stop right there. This is what I’m talking about! Many of these things feel contradictory. They don’t line up, they don’t mesh. But yet they’re true.

I am multi-faceted, sweet friend!


Never. Ever. Let someone place you inside a box or give you a title that focuses on only one thing.

It’s ok to branch out. It’s ok to embrace the many things you like and are good at.

JUST a mom? Hah. Nope.

What ANDs do you embrace in your life?? Type them in the comments!


