beautifully simple diy Easter centerpiece

Are you needing a little inspiration for your Easter table?

This is one of my favorite diy's from last year. It's so simple and beautiful that I thought I'd share it again!


I had initially made it years and yeeeaaars ago, when I hosted Easter at my first apartment. Let's not talk about how long ago that was. I have no idea where I came up with the idea, but it turned out lovely.

Want another fun little live flower project? {click here}

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spring 13

spring 1

Here in Denver no one buys outdoor flowers until Mothers Day weekend, because we have crazy unpredictable snows! The Guy at Home Depot even reminded me of this fact, bless him.

Assuring him I was doing an indoor project, he smiled and let me go on my merry little way.

spring 2

Once you've purchased your flowers, find a box {or really, the other way around would be better so you know how many to buy...}. This one carried some of our groceries from Costco. The only real specification is that it's low-ish and around the same height as your flower containers.

Because you're not planting the flowers in the box, they remain in their containers so you can plant them outside when your ready {or when your weather is}.

spring 3

You can use whatever moss you like, my favorite is the kind that comes in sheets from Hobby Lobby {they're in the floral section, near the grapevine wreaths}.

spring 4

Measure the height of your box, add an inch, and cut!

spring 5

Hot glueing the moss sheet is crazy easy, making sure the extra inch is at the top so you can fold it over and hide the rim of your box.

spring 6

When you get to the corners, cut in diagonal just long enough to reach the box.

spring 7

Fold over the moss and glue with your hot glue gun.

spring 8

Continue glueing the top, cut each corner diagonally, folding it in.

spring 9

Once the box is completed, place the flower containers inside, as closely together as possible. You want them to fit extremely tightly and have next to no gaps.

spring 10

Grabbing my favorite striped ribbon, I stretched it around the box, securing it with a pin. Then sprinkled a few faux robin eggs throughout.

spring 12

And voila! A gorgeous live centerpiece, just waiting to be planted once the weather is warmer!

spring 11

spring 14

take joy-signature-new-pink