Halloween 2011

What a beautiful evening it was last night! Growing up in Seattle, we always had to wear coats on top of our costumes {therefore RUINING the look!} and I expected it to be the same here. From what some the other moms told me, there's often snow on the ground and those coats are a must here too...SO glad we lucked out this year!
 {anton-transformer, ezekiel-batman, laith-swat team guy, imani-ladybug}
{ben went as a hot husband}
{yes, i put makeup on imani...glitter eyeshadow, blush, and a cute ladybug nose...she looooved it}
As you probably know, we're not much of a candy family. So instead of getting our little kids hopped up on a bunch of sugar that they'll discover once they're older, we decided to give them each $20 to choose a toy that they'd trade their candy for {they did get to pick one piece to munch on}.
They LOVED the idea! Choosing and buying their own toys?! What fun!
{anton chose a matchbox car thing}
{laith wanted a transformer}
Wish everyone could have seen ezekiel when he picked out this remote control car at Costco. He was so excited i thought he was going to pass out.
A lady near us said, "He's so excited that if you don't buy it for him, I will!"
He certainly knows how to make people smile. When he's in a good mood, his joy shines so bright anyone around him feels joyful.