a blog impressed upon my heart

That sounds super cheesy, but really I am excited you've found us. What once was a little blog that just kept family in the loop with what was going on in the craziness of our lives, has turned in to a passion.
Moving into a home that was literally deemed "uninhabitable," I love to post on the progress of our remodel, simple DIY's, family-friendly recipes, fashion, and things God has impressed upon my heart.
But my favorite topic is our ever-growing family (2 biological boys 15 moths apart & 4 beautiful kids from Ethiopia). I do my best to be real and honest about life, our struggles, and how God stretches me through (so many) mistakes along the way.
Oh and curious about our name, Hugs & Punches?
Sigh, it's the perfect description of our middle boys, Anton & Laith. When Anton (the sensitive, tender one) was two, he gave one year old Laith a hug (the crazy one, whom we call "Crash") and said, "I love you Laith!" Little Laith turned and punched him square in the face.
Yep. That's our family.
There are some perks to being a subscriber and receiving our latest posts straight into your inbox.
In addition to those posts, you will also receive (printable) Bible verse/encouragement lunch notes (like these) every month that you can sneak into your child's lunchbox . and . you will receive free lock screen memory verses for your cellphone each month, too (here's an example)!
(From time to time you'll also receive other fun printables and surprises.)
See over there on the right hand side, where it says "sign up here"? If you haven't already done so, go ahead and put your email address in.
You'll receive a confirmation email. Click on the link it displays and you should be good to go!
Grab (another) cup of coffee and hang around a bit longer.
Here are a few of my personal favorite posts...
. giving God your plans (with printable Bible study) .
. celebrating the little things .
. really? that's your reasoning? .
. a simple & streamlined mantle .
. never (ever) think your child is too young to make a difference .
. why I dress up .
. how can I? | adoption vs. (more) bio kids .
. perfection & joy .
Feel free and drop me a line anytime...it may take me awhile to get back to you (in case you haven't noticed, we're a little busy around here), but be patient... I love connecting with new friends!