(Stuck at home?) Why You Should #GetDressedAnyway

I keep seeing hilarious memes and posts about how we’re all home amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and have been wearing pj’s for seven days straight (I think? I don’t know what day it currently is, so I’m not entirely sure). And then there’s the one that goes something like: If you’re wearing jeans…what are you trying to prove? (admittedly I did laugh at that one)

And though I’m not click-clacking through the house in stilettos these days, most mornings I’m still getting dressed. Why?

Because I’m more productive.

In college, I learned something about myself: I got better grades and particularly higher test-scores when I didn’t roll out of bed and head to class. Now, I want to be clear…this had nothing to do with teachers perception of me. This isn’t that kind of conversation.

What I mean is, being put together even when exhausted or stressed changes my headspace.

At the time of this mind-blowing realization, I had just endured my first all-nighter study session. My 7am final was fast approaching and I knew taking a catnap would result in me missing the whole thing. I wanted so badly to snuggle up in my flannel pajama pants, throw on a sweatshirt, and head to class…but I had to force myself to stay awake. So instead, I grabbed my caddy full of toiletries (because, dorm-life) and headed down the hall for a shower and got myself dressed.

My study-buddy and I knew exactly the same content, in fact, she probably knew it better. We sipped huge cups of coffee and headed in for our art history final together: she in her comfy pj’s, hair in messy ponytail… and me looking like I was headed to church or a job interview.

She got a C.

I Aced it.

In the weeks after, I recalled how she kept saying how exhausted she was. But my shower and few minutes spent getting ready somehow refreshed me and realigned my mind-frame.

As years sped by and our kids grew from one little Crazy to six mega-busy Crazies, my exhaustion grew fiercer and fiercer…and yet I continued to cling to this concept.

Somehow when I actually got ready each day, my head was still in the game.

Admittedly, I sometimes heard women talk behind my back at preschool drop-off about how I cared too much about what I looked like or were bewildered how we had so many kids and I had the time to ready myself.

But just like my pink hair, I repeatedly reminded myself I wasn’t doing it for them…I was doing it for me.

Today as I’m holed up in the house with my sweet family under self-quarantine, I’m reminded of the same thing. I spent the first week of the pandemic simply rolling out of bed, still taking showers, but doing little else other than sliding on my comfiest sweats. And I got very little done. The past week or so though, I’ve gotten back to my normal routine…and not only has my productivity exploded, but so has my positive mindset.

It’s possible that this is just me and is my own little life-hack, but I doubt it.

Try it for a week or so. I don’t mean you need to spend an hour getting ready each day, that might not be an option for you. Listen…a topknot is fine. In fact, I have my hair up in one right now (paired with a fun boho scarf-headband from Target). But put on some clothes that make you feel good. Swipe on some lipstick and/or mascara. Grab some earrings or a favorite necklace.

Do any or all of these things and see if it changes your mind-frame from a girl who has ANXIETY over all this sudden change OR only wants to read or watch movies all day (raising my hand here)…

…to someone who is ready to take on the world, even if it’s just within the borders of your home.

Come back and tell me if you’re more productive or if it helped make things seem a little more normal. But if it didn’t work, tell me what has helped!

Because here’s the thing: I really don’t want this time home to be wasted. I truly feel like so much can still be accomplished. xo

Take Joy,
