The Nesting Place (book club chat day!)

Whether you've read this book, read part of this book, or have simply heard a ton about it and have wanted to read it, keep reading.

Why? Because The Nesting Place is one of those books that gets-ya. It's like a punch in the gut and a kiss on the forehead at the same time. One sets you straight, and the other reminds you that you know what?? It's ok.

(Ummm not that I'm saying a punch in the stomach is what sets people straight. You know what I mean. Goodness you're literal today.)


Let me take you through just a few of the gobs and gobs of takeaways I received through these mind-altering pages.

I want to make sure I leave you with enough to comment on...but little enough to allow you to go on your own tangents about how incredible this book is and how it's changed your thinking and views about your home.

(It was so good, I may or may not have read it twice!)

PS I'm going to include page numbers in case you want to grab your book and leaf through before you comment. But remember, you're TOTALLY welcome to go off subject!

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First of all, let's talk about how the RENTALS she lived in have been published in countless home and shelter magazines. Stopit. I mean really.

I too have lived in rentals, not as many as she has, granted...but I had many a teary day as I looked around at the dated and faded interior of my less than perfect home, not thinking much outside the box on how I could make it better. Not to the level that she has, anyway. (remember my post here?)

Myquillyn, your viewpoint is both encouraging and astounding.

My favorite sections though were ones such as "it's not the photo's fault" which talked about how we often look at magazines, pinterest or instagram photos, etc and leave feeling deflated.

Knowing that we will Never. Ever. have a room that looks that way, so why even bother. 

She reminds us though that, "The purpose of these photos is to inspire," and takes us through the same idea but through the lens of a wedding photographer.

"Of course, we wouldn't dare compare the photo we sapped of ourselves with our phone in the carpool line with our neighbor's adding portrait...A bride hires the best photographer she can afford, pays to get her makeup done, wears a gown she's dramed about all of her life, picks the one best photo out of dozens, and then the photo is touched up, lightened up, blown up, and framed...We don't look at a wedding photo and feel ashamed that we aren't forever walking around with an updo and heels...It's the same with photos of homes in magazines." (p 44)

I mean well obviously, right? But when Myquillyn says it, somehow it makes more sense. It's comforting to know that her house, and any house, doesn't look like that day-to-day.

Done is better than perfect. (p. 50)

I would l.o.v.e. LOVE to hear your thoughts on this. It's such a huge one for me right now as we're moving into our new house and have SO many projects ahead of us!

"We can find rest in our less than perfect circumstances when we figure out that no amount of striving can create the perfect life we think we are looking for." (p 51)

Toward the middle of the book, Myquillyn asks what words you would use to describe the feel of the home you've always wanted. ( p 67) Here's what I put:

. happy/joyful . playful yet grown up . exhale . 5 senses . organized . inviting . beautiful .


What would you say about yours?

Ooh and let's talk about making decisions. Or being afraid of making the wrong decisions.

"What if we decided home was a safe place to make mistakes, take risks, play, and be who you want to be?" (p 79)

Are you afraid of making the wrong decisions so you make NO decision instead??

Ohmygosh and her section on Lovely Limitations. (p 99) Where do I even begin on how much I love this chapter?! I wholeheartedly agree that my most creative ideas have begun because I needed some sort of "work-around."

Our chevron fireplace, for example.


 I know you've seen this photo before, but I just love how this fireplace began and ended up!

And that party decor hanging from the ceiling on the left? Well, I was trying to hide a hole in the ceiling and a lightbulb hanging by a single wire.

Lovely limitation, people.

And more...adding the quirky finishing touches (p 159), and having contentment (p 171).

What about her many sections on stop trying to be a perfectionist?! That totally hit home.

I want people to be comfortable in my home, not having to worry about whether or not they can sit on the sofa without ruining it! (like that would happen though. remember, I have six kids. but still...)

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Ok, talk to me. What were your favorite parts + takeaways?!

take joy-signature-new-pink