the new house is being painted!


Can you believe we're still not officially in the new house?! Sigh. I'm tired of sleeping with mattresses on the ground...let's get this show on the road!

If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you'll know the poor painters took so much longer than expected. And actually, I'm in Texas right now so although the painters have finally finished (halleluia!) I haven't even seen what it looks like finished.

I thought I'd at least share a few photos (ok a lot of photos) of the progress.


So remember, this is what it looked like before. Lots of peach, beige, and even a little light rosey-mauve.


We really wanted to lighten things up and cool the walls down with greys.


The bead-board is going grey, the mantle will be white. And since the granite facing of the fireplace isn't quite our look, we're thinking that we'll change it to river rock down the road. Wouldn't that look gorgeous?!


The sweet painters worked so hard. Here's the mantle as they're prepping it for paint.


The formal living room (which we'll use as a study-room, I think) was used as a staging area for the painted cabinets, etc.


These barstools which came with the house were primed and then painted Peppercorn (same as the built-in I talk about a little further down).


Here's the kitchen all primed up and ready for the first coat of paint!



Can you believe the difference between the white paint we're using on the ceiling and the beige it was previously? We knew we needed to lighten it up in an attempt to visually heighten the ceilings.


Let's talk about this gorgeous built-in for a minute. Look at that detail on the top! It's to die for.

I knew I wanted the kitchen cabinets white...but kind of wanted to make a statement with this unit.


So we went dark. A deep grayish blue called Peppercorn.

Talk about a statement piece, right?!


Since we don't have new countertops in our budget, all the greys we're using are really beginning to bring out those hues in the granite.


Before, all we could see were the rose and pink colors in the stone. But against the grey paint, the cool colors are finding their way to dominance.


I just can't believe it's the same house!


It's killing me to not see what it's like now that the painters have officially finished, cleaned up, and left.


At some point we'd love to stain these maple colored floors a bit cooler/darker.


So excited about the beams!


Now into the entry...

Can you even believe that moulding on the doors?!

Be still my heart.

IMG_0137's the before.

new house

And I know you're wondering what we're going to do with that staircase. There's just no. way. we can not have a banister with this many (insane) children.

We had thought about doing something like this...


But apparently  the quality of gage of cable we'd need is really expensive since we don't want anyone (especially any kids) getting metal splinters in their hands.

So then we thought perhaps this...


(sorry I don't have sources on either one. I took screenshots on my phone months ago as we were brainstorming ideas)

But one of Ben's incredibly talented friends recently made the below staircase for a client (check out LiftLine Design on FB).


And if we can get onto his schedule in a reasonable amount of time...I think we'll have him do something similar for us.

The railing is simply a piece of art.

Amazing, isn't it?


So that's where we are on the house. Hopefully next week when I return to town, we'll fiiiiiinally get to move the furniture from the garage into the actual house!! more shot.

Here's a little peek of the dining room. Hale Navy & Alabaster if you want to know the wall color.

I just can't stop looking at it!!!

take joy-signature-new-pink