tulips + the penny trick {tutorial}

tulips and the penny trick

Today was one of my wake at 4am to work on my book days. Off I went to Starbucks for a fully-loaded latte and warm chocolate croissant. I love watching the sun rise through their windows, seeing the snowy mountains in the distance as I type.

It was such a gorgeous morning, I decided to treat myself to a couple bunches of fresh tulips on my way home and help get the kids out the door for school.

tulips penny trick

Oh how beautiful they are on our kitchen table...spring is here! And I love it.

What I don't love though, is when tulips do this. They love the sun as much as I do and turn themselves toward the light {I could totally come up with a metaphor here}.

But instead, I'll just give you my little trick to keep them standing tall and upright.

Ready? Here it is...


A penny. Yep. I'm not sure how it works, obviously something about the copper. I've never googled around to figure out exactly how.

All I can tell you is it works.

tulip penny trick 1

A couple hours later, they looked like this...

tulips penny trick 2

Now, if I could only get them to grow in my own garden. Wish I didn't have such a black thumb.

Happy Spring!

{update} if you follow me on instagram, you've already seen this...but the next morning, my tulips were even taller and straighter! This penny trick is amazing!


take joy-signature-new-pink