Ep 10: Brave Enough to Be Broken with Toni Collier

“Out of the overflow of our healed brokenness comes the beauty to want it for someone else.”

You know how there's some people that you see on a stage and think, “Wow, you seem so awesome. Are you actually that awesome in real life?”

Well, my guest today is 100% the same person off stage as she is on – she’s just the real deal. Toni Collier is a Hope Coach, author of Brave Enough to Be Broken and the founder of Broken Crayons Still Color, an international women’s ministry that helps women process their brokenness and reclaim hope.

t’s her passion to show women that they can be both broken and beautiful as they work out their healing at the feet of Jesus. Our conversation is raw and real and encouraging, and I hope it blesses you just as much as it blessed me.

In this episode you’ll hear: 

  • Finding spaces where you’re free to be broken

  • Healing from your pain to help others heal from theirs

  • Leaving a legacy of emotional safety

Links to all the things mentioned: 

This podcast was produced by Pivot Media Co. The music was produced by Anu Alphonse.