Posts in Favorites
Thoughts from a White Mom of Black Kids

I’ve been sitting here at my keyboard for awhile. Quite awhile, in fact. My fingers are poised upon the keyboard and I’m staring at the blank screen, just watching the cursor blink at me, almost mocking me to share all I’ve been feeling these past several weeks.

Amaud, Breeonna, and now George. I don’t even need to say their last names at this point because you know exactly who I’m referring to. I’ve heard from many of my white friends as they’ve cried out in shock and in horror of the injustice.

“Welcome to the conversation,” I’ve wanted to say.

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(Stuck at home?) Why You Should #GetDressedAnyway

I keep seeing hilarious memes about how we’re all home amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and have been wearing pj’s for seven days straight (I think? I don’t know what day it is, so I’m not entirely sure). And then there’s the post that goes something like: If you’re wearing jeans…what are you trying to prove? (admittedly I did laugh at that one)

And though I’m not click-clacking through the house in stilettos these days, most mornings I’m still getting dressed. Why? Let me tell you. Because you might want to start, too…

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